

우선은, 카나땅 생일 축하해!

최근, 우리들 해외 헤이민은 카나땅의 생일을 위해 「Halo* World Project」 라는 프로젝트를 진행하고 있어요!

이 프로젝트는, 모두가 살고있는 장소의 랜드마크를 카나땅의 굿즈와 함께 촬영하는것으로, 세계중의 헤이민이 얼마나 카나땅을 사랑하고 있는가를 전하는것이 목적이에요! 각각의 사진에는, 카나땅에게의 생일 축하 메세지도 있어서, 어디에 살고있어도 그녀에게로의 감사의 기분을 전하는 것이 가능하게 되었습니다!

그리고, 참가해주신 헤이민의 여러분에게도 감사를 표합니다! 여러분의 덕분에, 세계 30개 국가로부터 168건의 카나땅에게로의 생일 축하 메세지가 모였습니다!

*Halo란, 원광 혹은 후광이라는 의미이지만, 천사의 링이라는 의미도 있습니다. 즉, Hello와 Halo의 발음이 같은걸 이용한 제목입니다!

이 프로젝트와 함께, 우리들은 MASS와의 콜라보레이션 활동도 진행했습니다!이것은, 천마리 종이학의 전설과 비슷하게, 모두가 함께 1000마리가 되도록 세계 각지의 헤이민들이 종이학을 접어서, 카나땅이 어서 빨리 건강해지기를 비는 것입니다! 업로드 된것은 이쪽의 해쉬태그에서 감상할수있어요!#1000CranesForKanatan

Kanata we missed you so much!! great to see you are recovering and doing well now, all of us are excited to see you back
- Yukikaze Kai
-, Philippines
Happy birthday kanata
- NinjaTang
Happy BIrthday Kanata! Stay strong and we wish you good health!
- kiosy
MalikMistyRory's picture
Happy Birthday Persistently Progressing Tenshi
- MalikMistyRory
Chicago, United States
ウカシャ's picture
- ウカシャ
ybz612's picture
- ybz612
BeanBun's picture
Kanatan! Happy Birthday and welcome back! Much love from the United Kingdom, I hope this birthday is the best one to date.
- BeanBun
United Kingdom
Happy birthday Kanataso!!! I’m really glad to see you streaming again and back to good health! I hope you have a great day!
- Zach
Denver, United States
HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY GORILLA I just want to say Keep on making our lives happy and we will make yours happy too
- Titus
Singapore, Singapore
Yeo Zong Han's picture
Happy birthday Kanata! May you be blessed for the year ahead, 来年は仲良くしよう~
- Yeo Zong Han
Panchan772's picture
Happy Birthday Kanatan!! 💙💫
- Panchan772
Florida, United States
Kazento's picture
Happy birthday Kanata! Location: Thu Thiem Bridge with the Bitexco Tower in sight with the acrylic block
- Kazento
Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
クロカミ's picture
- クロカミ
I wish you a happy birthday Kanata and all the best from Finland!
- Jami
xinmike221's picture
- xinmike221
Hong Kong
- Nico
Chicago, United States
- Azyrn
TEt's picture
Happy Birthday Kanata! I'll need to serve the army soon, but I'll always be supporting you and looking forward to seeing you on stage again!
- TEt
Seoul, South Korea
Happy Birthday Kanata! Watching and listening to Kanata always makes me smile. I hope you have a pleasant birthday!
- CatMillennium
United Kingdom
Happy birthday kanata! Thank you for all the fun streams and amazing concerts and covers. You are like a beacon of light in this world!
- Penta
United States
Happy birthday Kanatan!! Wish you have a good health and achieve your goal career!!!
- HijnZ
Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam
I might have just join but I know you are a great singer, great streamer, and you help put a smile on this fan, that I want say thank you
- Diego J Mieles Jr
United States
Happiest birthday to our sweet Tenshi! We are blessed to have such an amazing and hard working girl making our days so much brighter
- Mantas
Happy birthday Kanata! Wishing you a happy and healthy life!
- Jason Terry
Greenapples's picture
Happy birthday Kanata! Hope you have a wonderful day!
- Greenapples
Belfast, United Kingdom